Subject: Physio-Control Contract Award - Paramedic Services Equipment
From: Oakland Fire Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator Or Her Designee To: 1) Dispense With Advertising And Bidding And Award A Contract To Physio-Control Incorporated To Furnish Cardiac Monitors, Chest Compression Devices, Automatic External Defibrillators, All Necessary Accessories And A Five-Year LifeNet Transmission Subscription, In An Amount Not To Exceed Nine Hundred Seventy Six Thousand Dollars ($976,000) And Appropriate The Same Amount From Fund Balance For This Purpose, And; 2) Appropriate Additional Fund Balance From The Paramedic Services Act Of 1997 Fund (Measure N) In An Amount Not To Exceed One Million Nineteen Thousand Dollars ($1,019,000) For Equipment Purchase And Delivery Of Program Services In Accordance With The Measure N Preliminary Spending Plan Without Further Council Authorization, Including Purchases, Provided The City's Purchasing Programs And Policies Are Followed