| 1 | | Measure A, the Alameda County Healthcare Initiative | City Resolution | Subject: Measure A - Alameda County Healthcare Initiative
From: Councilmember Quan
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution in support of Alameda County Measure A, an increase in sales tax to support the Alameda County Medical Center | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Opposition of Proposed 2004-2005 State Budget | City Resolution | Subject: Opposition to Proposed 2004-2005 State Budget
From: Vice Mayor Chang
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution urging Oakland's State Legislators to oppose Governor Schwarzenegger's proposed 2004-2005 budget because of its negative impact on police, fire and other essential services, infrastructure, and the City's economic development | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | City Resolution | A request from the January 20, 2004 City Council meeting for a discussion regarding the waiver of fees, the process and timeline for negotiation of public projects; for scheduling to the appropriate committee | No Action Taken | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | In-Car Video Systems | Report and Recommendation | Subject: In-Car Video Systems
From: Vice Mayor Chang
Recommendation: A discussion and action regarding whether to implement a program to use in-car video systems as a means to reduce allegations of police misconduct | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A request from the January 20, 2004 City Council Closed Session to schedule a Special Closed Session meeting for January 27, 2004 at 12:00 p.m. | Defunct - Request | A request from the January 20, 2004 City Council Closed Session to schedule a Special Closed Session meeting for January 27, 2004 at 12:00 p.m. | Accepted | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Neighborhood Commercial Revitalization Unit Funds | City Resolution | Subject: Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Plan
From: Community and Economic Development Agency
Recommendation: Adopt the following legislation regarding a Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Plan:
1) Agency Resolution appropriating $18,900 of Coliseum funds as matching funds for a California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) Environmental Justice Grant to the City of Oakland to fund a comprehensive plan for pedestrian and traffic safety for Fruitvale Avenue, and; | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Professional Services Contract with Wreco | City Resolution | Subject: Creekside Properties - WRECO Group
From: Community & Economic Development Agency
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing a professional services contract with WRECO Group in an amount not to exceed $70,000 to develop standards and guidelines to assist the development of creekside properties | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Installation of an Irrigation System | City Resolution | Subject: Irrigation System - Park Boulevard
From: Public Works Agency
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to bid, advertise, accept bids, negotiate, if necessary, and award a construction contract for installation of an irrigation system within the Park Boulevard median strip from Estates Drive to Excelsior Street, at triangular traffic islands and the mini park landscape area within Park Boulevard vicinity, for an amount not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Union Point Park Project | City Resolution | Subject: Union Point Park Project
From: Public Works Agency
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution amending Resolution No. 78202, C.M.S., which authorized the Spanish Speaking Unity Council ("Unity Council") to develop, design, and manage soil remediation and construction of improvements, to further authorize the City Manager to execute remediation and other construction agreements with contractors selected by Unity Council for the Union Point Park Project in an amount not to exceed the project construction budget, said amount to be determined by Unity Council and shall not exceed available total project funds of eight million six hundred eighty-four thousand dollars ($8,684,000) | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Business Tax Board of Review | Informational Report | Subject: Business Tax Board of Review
From: Finance and Management Agency
Recommendation: Receive an Informational Report on the Business Tax Board of Review meetings for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2003-2004 | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Final Program Evaluation - Oakland Parks and Recreation | Informational Report | Subject: Final Program Evaluation - Oakland Parks and Recreation
From: Office of Parks and Recreation
Recommendation: Receive an Informational Report and Final Program Evaluation by Gibson and Associates on Oakland Parks and Recreation for 2002-2003 | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Leona Quarry Residential Project - 7100 Mountain Blvd | City Resolution | Subject: Leona Quarry Residential Project - 7100 Mountain Blvd. - Public Hearing
From: Community and Economic Development Agency
Recommendation: Conduct a Public Hearing and upon conclusion:
1) Adopt a Resolution approving the applications of the DeSilva Group to close the Leona Quarry, reclaim it and redevelop the site for 477 residential units at 7100 Mountain Boulevard in compliance with the Alameda Superior Court Order (Action Number RG-03077607); and | Rescheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Tree Removal Appeal - 300 Elysian Fields Drive - Public Hearing | City Resolution | Subject: Tree Removal Appeal - 300 Elysian Fields Drive - Public Hearing
From: Office of Parks and Recreation
Recommendation: Conduct a continued Public Hearing and upon conclusion adopt a Resolution denying the appeal filed by Stefanie Y. Gandolfi against the decision of the Director of the Office of Parks and Recreation approving the issuance of Tree Removal Permit DR03-123 at 300 Elysian Fields Drive (Councilmember Reid, District 7) | Rescheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Jodi Remke - Housing, Residential Rent and Relocation Board | City Resolution | Subject: Jodi Remke - Housing, Residential Rent and Relocation Board
From: Office of the Mayor
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution appointing Jodi Remke as neutral representative, as a member of the Housing, Residential Rent and Relocation Board | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Michael E. Montag - Housing, Residential Rent, and Relocation Board | City Resolution | Subject: Michael E. Montag - Housing, Residential Rent, and Relocation Board
From: Office of the Mayor
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution appointing Michael E. Montag as tenant representative, as a member of the Housing, Residential Rent, and Relocation Board | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Chip Conradi - Business Tax Board of Review | City Resolution | Subject: Chip Conradi - Business Tax Board of Review
From: Office of the Mayor
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution appointing Chip Conradi as a member of the Business Tax Board of Review | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Roland Walker - Citizen's Police Review Board | City Resolution | Subject: Roland Walker - Citizen's Police Review Board
From: Office of the Mayor
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution reappointing Roland Walker as a member of the Citizen's Police Review Board | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | NOTE: | | City Resolution | Americans With Disabilities Act
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Action details
Not available