| 1 | 4 | City Council Retreat | City Resolution | Subject: City Council Retreat
From: Council President Patricia Kernighan
Recommendation: Hold A Retreat Of The City Council To Discuss And Review Governance Issues And Agreements; To Discuss Current Strengths Of Council; Identify And Agree Upon Council Communication Strategies To Improve Council Effectiveness; Identify Strategies To Improve Results And Decision-Making Within The Council; And To Describe Improvements Of The Business Meeting Decorum For The Council And The Public. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | City Resolution | Americans With Disabilities Act
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Office of the City Clerk - Agenda Management Unit
Phone: (510) 238-6406
Fax: (510) 238-6699
Recorded Agenda: (510) 238-2386
Telecommunications Display Device: (510) 238-3254 | | |
Action details
Not available