| 1 | | An informational report from the Library Director regarding the Oakland Public Library's Master Facilities Plan and Main Library Project; on the February 11, 2003 Life Enrichment Committee agenda | City Resolution | An informational report from the Library Director regarding the Oakland Public Library's Master Facilities Plan and Main Library Project; on the February 11, 2003 Life Enrichment Committee agenda | Withdrawn with No New Date | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A resoltuion appointing Councilmembers Jean Quan, Nancy Nadel, and Jane Brunner to the Association of Bay Area Governments, with Councilmember Danny Wan., as alternate | City Resolution | A resolution appointing Councilmembers Jean Quan, Nancy Nadel, and Jane Brunner to the Association of Bay Area Governments, with Councilmember Danny Wan serving as an alternate, and Councilmember Henry Chang serving as second alternate (TITLE CHANGE) | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | An informational report and recommendation from the Chief, Oakland Police Department regarding "Whistle Tip" mufflers
| Informational Report | An informational report and recommendation from the Chief, Oakland Police Department, regarding "Whistle Tip" mufflers | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | An informational report from the Chief, Oakland Police Department, regarding the 6 month implementation of Oakland's Stolen Gun Ordinance Oakland Municipal Code Section 9.36.131 | Informational Report | An informational report from the Chief, Oakland Police Department, regarding the 6 month implementation of Oakland's Stolen Gun Ordinance Oakland Municipal Code Section 9.36.131 | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A request from the January 14, 2003 City Council meeting to schedule a Special City Council Workshop regarding the current Fiscal Year 2002-2003 budget | Defunct - Request | A request from the January 14, 2003 City Council meeting to schedule a Special City Council Workshop regarding the current Fiscal Year 2002-2003 budget | Accepted | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A resolution appointing Councilmember Larry Reid to the Economic Development Alliance for Business (EDAB) | City Resolution | A resolution appointing Councilmember Larry Reid to the Economic Development Alliance for Business (EDAB) | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the City Council Legislative Analyst on a proposed ordinance amending Section 4.20.050 of the Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) related to real estate transfer tax to eliminate language requiring a one year period for domestic | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the City Council Legislative Analyst regarding a proposed ordinance amending Section 4.20.050 C.1. of the Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) relating to the Real Estate Transfer Tax to make the standards applicable to transfers between domestic partners consistent with the standards for inter-spousal transfers | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A request from Councilmember Wan for a report and recommendation from the Council Legislative Analyst for a proposed ordinance permanently codifying the City of Oakland's City-wide Domestic Partner Registration Policy; on the January 28, 2003 Finance and | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Council Legislative Analyst regarding a proposed ordinance permanently codifying the City of Oakland's City-wide Domestic Partner Registration Policy established in Resolution 72752 C.M.S. | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | CDBG district boundaries adjustments | City Resolution | Subject: CDBG District Boundaries Adjustments
From: Community and Economic Development Agency
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution to amend Resolution No. 76276 C.M.S. to extend the term of elected Community Development District Board and Citizens Advisory Committee members to two-years; and to realign Community Development District boundaries based upon the new low and moderate income block group determinations from the 2000 Census data and the redistricting of City Council District boundaries
- | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance | Ordinance | Subject: Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance
From: Community and Economic Development Agency
Recommendation: Approve Final Passage (Second Reading) of an Ordinance adopting requirements pursuant to the Ellis Act (California Government Code Sections 7060, et seq) and the Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance for landlords desiring to evict tenants in order to withdraw residential rental units from the market | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding a proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to amend the Housing Element consultant contract with Parsons Harland Bartholomew & Associates in an amo | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding a proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to amend the Housing Element consultant contract with Parsons Harland Bartholomew & Associates in an amount not to exceed $29,100 for a total contract amount of $116,478 | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding an informational report on the status of the West Oakland and Central City East Redevelopment planning projects; on the February 4, 2003 Community and Econ | Report and Recommendation | An informational report from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding the status of the West Oakland and Central City East Redevelopment Plan Adoption Projects | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Committee, regarding proposed City and Agency resolutions approving a second amendment of the Disposition and Development Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and A.F. | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding proposed City and Agency resolutions approving a second amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and A.F. Evans Development, Inc., for the Housewives Market residential development project to modify the terms of the $1,947,060 Agency loan | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A status report from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, on the establishment of the One Stop Permit Center | Informational Report | An informational report from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding the status of improvements to development permit processing | Rescheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding a proposed ordinance to rezone approximately 196 parcels, comprising of approximately 26 1/2 acres of land, in an area generally bounded by Alcatraz Avenue | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding a proposed ordinance to rezone approximately 196 parcels, comprising of approximately 26 1/2 acres of land, in an area generally bounded by Alcatraz Avenue, Woolsey Street, Telegraph Avenue, and Hillegass Avenue, and commonly referred to as Fairview Park, from the R-40 Garden Apartment Residential Zone/S-18 Mediated Residential Design Review Combining Zone to the R-35 Special One-Family Residential Zone/S-18 Mediated Residential Design Review Combing Zone | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A follow-up report from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program identifying changes to the scope of future evaluations and the presentation format of the evaluation; discussing | Informational Report | A follow-up report from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program identifying changes to the scope of future evaluations and the presentation format of the evaluation; discussing the viability of utilizing the City Manager's survey as a needs assessment tool; extending the term of elected Community District Board members to two years; assessing the feasibility of doing multi-year contracts; and providing a response to the recommendation regarding the City Council's role in loan approvals or servicing | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding a proposed resolution authorizing professional services agreements to develop workforce housing with Unidev, LLC as owners' representative and Solomon Smit | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding a proposed Agency resolution authorizing an Agency predevelopment loan in an amount not to exceed $25,000 and a contingent reimbursement payment in an amount not to exceed $75,000 to UniDev, LLC, for a feasibility study to investigate the development of 250 or more units of workforce housing in Oakland | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency regarding proposed City and Agency resolutions authorizing development loans in an aggregate amount not to exceed $11.1 million for affordable housing projects and th | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency regarding proposed City and Agency resolutions authorizing development loans in an aggregate amount not to exceed $11.1 million for affordable housing projects and the conversion and consolidation of one Agency Site Acquisition Loan into a longer term development loan; and authorizing the conversion and consolidation of an Agency Site Acquisition Loan with an existing development loan; and reprogramming unused Agency funds and allocating unbudgeted Agency revenue | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding reprogramming of loan repayments received from the First Time Homebuyer Program; on the February 11, 2003 Community and Economic Development Committee agen | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, regarding proposed City and Agency resolutions appropriating $1,528,687 in loan repayments from the Mortgage Assistance Program to the Home Maintenance and Improvement Program (HMIP), and appropriating future repayments of loan funds from the Mortgage Assistance Program to HMIP; reaffirming the Mortgage Assistance Program as a revolving loan program and authorizing the appropriation of future loan repayments for continuation of the program; appropriating $619,536 in loan repayments from the Mortgage Assistance Program to the Housing Development Program, and appropriating future repayments of loan funds from the Mortgage Assistance Program for the same purpose | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A resolution urging the California Legislature to reject the Governor's proposed shift of local Vehicle License Fee (VLF) Revenues and to honor the 1998 commitment to restore the VLF | City Resolution | A resolution urging the California Legislature to reject the Governor's proposed shift of local Vehicle License Fee (VLF) Revenues and to honor the 1998 commitment to restore the VLF | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A request from Councilmember Wan for a report analyzing the revenue and expense impacts of removing parking meters in downtown and certain other commercial districts | Informational Report | A report analyzing the revenue and expense impacts of removing parking meters in downtown and certain other commercial districts | Rescheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A resolutions approving a Memoranda of Understanding between the City of Oakland and Service Employees International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21, representing employees in representation units TA1, TF1, TM2, TW1, UHI and | City Resolution | A resolution approving Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Oakland and International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21, representing employees in representation units TA1, TF1, TM2, TW1, UHI and UM1 covering the period of July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2008 | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Acting Budget Director regarding a proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to amend, extend, and execute a contract with American Management Systems, Inc. for the 2003 calendar year for an amount not to exceed | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Office of the City Manager regarding a proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to amend, extend, and execute a contract with American Management Systems, Inc. for the 2003 calendar year for an amount not to exceed $47,000 to perform maintenance services and consultation related to the City's BRASS budgeting software | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Public Ethics Commission regarding an ordinance amending the Sunshine Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 2.20, regarding public meetings and public records; to define public meeting and the local bodies to which | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Public Ethics Commission regarding a proposed ordinance amending the Sunshine Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 2.20, regarding public meetings and public records; to define public meeting and the local bodies to which the ordinance applies; to regulate conduct of meeting for additional bodies covered by the ordinance; to provide notice and agenda requirements for public meetings; to provide notice and disclosure requirements for closed sessions; to regulate disclosure of public documents and information and for setting fees for duplication; to provide authority for the administration and enforcement of the Ordinance | Continued | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A resolution appointing Councilmember Jean Quan as a member of the Chabot Space and Science Center Board of Directors | City Resolution | A resolution appointing Councilmember Jean Quan as a member of the Chabot Space and Science Center Board of Directors | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | A report and recommendation from the Office of the City Manager regarding a proposed ordinance of the City Council of the City of Oakland, California, to add Chapter 9.58, Sections 9.58.010 - 9.58.030 to Title 9 of the Oakland Municipal Code prohibiting l | Report and Recommendation | A report and recommendation from the Office of the City Manager regarding a proposed ordinance of the City Council of the City of Oakland, California, to add Chapter 9.58, Sections 9.58.010 - 9.58.030 to Title 9 of the Oakland Municipal Code prohibiting loitering in public for the purpose of engaging in illegal drug activity | Scheduled | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | 7:01 p.m. - A Public Hearing regarding a proposed resolution implementing California Government Code Sections 30061-30065, which requires the establishment of a Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) in each county, with 39.7% if the money rec | Defunct - Public Hearing | 7:01 p.m. - A continued discusion of a Public Hearing regarding a proposed resolution implementing California Government Code Sections 30061-30065, which requires the establishment of a Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) in each county, with 39.7% of the money received by said fund distributed to local cities for the exclusive use of front line law enforcement, and appropriating eight hundred twelve thousand, three dollars ($812,003.00) in seventh year funding for the "Citizen's Option for Public Safety" (COPS) Grant to the Police Department and approving the Fiscal Year 2002-2003 spending plan submitted by the Chief of Police | Rescheduled | |
Action details
Not available