Subject: Charter Amendment Ballot Measure Regarding Non-Gendered Language
From: Office Of The City Attorney, Council President Fortunato Bas, Councilmember Gallo, Reid, And Kalb
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution On The City Council’s Own Motion Submitting To The Voters For The November 8, 2022, General Municipal Election A Measure That, Pursuant To Council Resolution No. 88320 C.M.S., Would Amend The City Charter In Its Entirety To: (1) Replace Gender-Specific Language With Gender-Inclusive Language, In Recognition That Women And Non-Binary Persons As Well As Men, Hold Positions As City Officers And City Staff; And (2) Delete Articles XIV And XV Pertaining To Obsolete Retirement Systems For Police Officers And Firefighters, Respectively; And Directing The City Clerk To Fix The Date For Submission Of Arguments And Provide For Notice And Publication, And Take Any And All Actions Necessary Under Law To Prepare For And Conduct The November 8, 2022, General Municipal Election