Subject: Citywide Sidewalks & Curb Ramps 2020-2022
From: Transportation Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Awarding A Construction Contract To 1) AJW Construction, The Lowest Responsive And Responsible Bidder, And Waiving Advertising And Competitive Bidding And Authorizing The City Administrator To Negotiate And Award Construction Contracts To 2) Rosas Brothers Construction And 3) Ray’s Electric, The Second And Third Lowest Responsive And Responsible Bidders, Provided That Both Meet The Contractor’s Bid Schedule Of The Lowest Bid Of AJW Construction, For Citywide Curb Ramps And Sidewalk Repair In Accord With The Project Plans And Specifications And The Lowest Bid In The Amount Of Two Million, Three Hundred And Ninety-Eight Thousand Dollars ($2,398,000) Each