File #: 25-0467    Version: 1 Name:
Type: City Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/29/2025 In control: * Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency and the City Council
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Title: Subject: Maia Correia Memorial Bikeway From: Councilmember's Kaplan, And Brown Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution To (1) Commemoratively Name The To Be Installed Bikeway Along Lakeshore Avenue Between El Embarcadero And East 18th Street As The “Maia Correia Memorial Bikeway” And (2) Authorize The Installation Of A Memorial Plaque Dedicated To Maia Correia Pursuant To The Guidance Established By Oakland City Council Resolution No. 77967 C.M.S
Sponsors: Rebecca Kaplan, Rowena Brown
Attachments: 1. View Legislation, 2. View Supplemental Legislation - 2/13/2025, 3. 90624 C.M.S.


Subject:                     Maia Correia Memorial Bikeway

From:                                           Councilmember's Kaplan, And Brown

Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution To (1) Commemoratively Name The To Be Installed Bikeway Along Lakeshore Avenue Between El Embarcadero And East 18th Street As The “Maia Correia Memorial Bikeway” And (2) Authorize The Installation Of A Memorial Plaque Dedicated To Maia Correia Pursuant To The Guidance Established By Oakland City Council Resolution No. 77967 C.M.S