1) A Resolution submitting to the voters a Proposed Initiative Ballot Measure - an Ordinance that would require that the City of Oakland (1) Make investigation, citation and arrest for private adult cannabis (marijuana) offenses the City's lowest law enforcement priority; (2)Advocate through its lobbyist and City officers for changes in state and other laws to (a) allow and authorize taxation and regulation of cannabis marijuana) for adults and eliminate criminal penalties for private, adult cannabis use, (b) grant local control to cities and counties to license and regulate cannabis businesses and collect appropriate fees and taxes, and (c) end the prosecution arrest, investigation and imprisonment for adult private cannabis offenses; (3) Establish a system to license, tax and regulate cannabis (marijuana) sales if California law is amended to allow and authorize such actions; and (4) Create a committee to oversee the Ordinance's implementation and disbursement of revenue from licensing and taxation of businesses that sell Cannabis; at the General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 2004; and directing the City Clerk to fix the date for submission of arguments and to provide for notice and publication in accordance with law and requesting the County Board of Supervisors to consolidate Oakland's Election with the Statewide General Election
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