A report and recommendation from the Director, Community and Economic Development Agency, for proposed resolutions authorizing a Third Amendment to the Agreement with the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District for design and engineering of the Oakland Coliseum Intercity Rail Platform to extend the term of the agreement, expand the scope of services, increase the budget, authorize an increase in the amount of the City contribution for design and engineering by $160,000, and authorize an amendment to the repayment agreement with the Redevelopment Agency to accept an additional $1,474,000 in Agency funding for the project, and authorizing an increase of the Redevelopment Agency contribution for the design, engineering of the Oakland Coliseum Intercity Rail Platform by $419,000 for a total Agency contribution of $504,000, allocating $1,055,000 in additional Agency funds for construction of the project, and authorizing an amendment to the repayment agreement with the City to provide ...