Subject: Oakland Paratransit Program Funds FY 2013-2014
From: Department Of Human Services
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Apply For, Accept, And Appropriate Measure B Pass-Through Funds In The Amount Of $947,481 And Measure B Gap Grant Funds Up To $92,500 From The Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) For Fiscal Year 2013-2014 To Provide Paratransit Services; And Authorizing The City Administrator To Negotiate And Execute Reimbursement Agreements In Amounts Of: 1) $380,000 To V.I.P. Express Transport, Inc., 2) $200,000 To Friendly Transportation, Inc. DBA Friendly Transportation, Friendly Cab Company, Metro Yellow Cab Company And Yellow Cab Company, And 3) $200,000 To Veterans Transportation, Inc. DBA Veterans Transportation And Veterans Cab Company; And Authorizing The City Administrator To Execute Amendments To The Agreements For Any Additional Amounts Received Under Measure B Or Reallocation, Of Funds Without Returning To City Council