Subject: Hinderliter, de Llamas and Associates
From: Community and Economic Development Agency and
Finance and Management Agency
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a professional services contract with Hinderliter, de Llamas and Associates for tax auditing, consulting, economic analysis and data services for an amount not to exceed
$362,100 in fixed costs plus additional audit fees for an initial three-year period ending March 31, 2007, plus two optional annual extensions; and authorizing an increase in the Finance and Management Agency's baseline budget by $137,800 in Fiscal Year 2004-2005 and $66,800 in Fiscal Year 2005-2006, increasing business tax revenue expectations for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 and Fiscal Year 2005-2006, and using a portion of such increase in revenues to pay for the business tax service component included in the contract
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