Subject: Fiscal Year 2016 Urban Area Security Initiative Program Grant Agreement
From: Oakland Fire Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator, Or Her Designee To: 1. Enter Into The Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Grant Administration Agreement With The City And County Of San Francisco; 2. Accept, Appropriate, And Administer Up To One Million Sixty Three Thousand And Six Hundred Twenty Nine Dollars ($1,063,629.00) UASI Grant Funds For Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-18; 3. Approve The FY 2016-18 UASI Recommended Spending Plan And Authorize A Contribution From The General Purpose Fund In An Amount Equivalent To The Department’s Central Services Overhead (CSO) Charges Affiliated With Said Grant Estimated At Nineteen Thousand, Five Hundred Eighteen Dollars ($19,518.00) For FY 2016-17 And Forty-Five Thousand, Five Hundred Forty-Two Dollars ($45,542.00) For FY 2017-18; And 4. Expend Funds In Accordance With Said Recommended Spending Plan Without...