Subject: Energy Efficiency Improvements Agreement - Civic Center Buildings
From: Public Works Agency
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Waiving Solicitation For Fixed, Sealed Bids And Price-Based Award Requirements And Authorizing The City Administrator Or Designee To: 1. Award A Design-Build Agreement To United Comfort Solutions, Inc. For Energy Efficiency Improvements To The Heating, Ventilating And Air Conditioning (HVAC) System Controls For The Civic Center Complex Buildings For An Amount Not To Exceed Six Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Dollars ($695,000.00), To Be Paid In Part With Federal Government Stimulus Package Funds; And 2. Accept And Appropriate Energy-Related Rebates In Project Numbers C388910 (Civic Center Data Center Server Virtualization), And C389010 (Civic Center Electronic HVAC Control Upgrades Building Automation System) For Energy Efficiency Improvements To The HVAC System Controls For The Civic Center Complex Buildings; And 3. Appropriate Fifty-Five Thousand Four Hundred Five Dollars ($55,405.00) Of Energy Rebate Funds In Project H33620 (CED Loan - HVAC Conservation) For Energy Efficiency Improvements To The HVAC System Controls For The Civic Center Complex Buildings