Meeting Minutes
City of Oakland
Oakland, California 94612 |
*Rules & Legislation Committee
Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, California, 94612 |
City of Oakland Website: |
The Oakland City Council Rules and Legislation Committee convened at 10:58 |
a.m. with President De La Fuente presiding as Chairperson. |
Roll Call / Call to Order
Present: Member Chang, Member Wan and Chair De La Fuente |
Closed Session
A motion was made by Member Chang, seconded by Member Wan, to * |
Approve as Submitted. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Aye; 3 - Member Chang, Member Wan and Chair De La Fuente |
The City Attorney advised that a Special Closed Session would be scheduled for |
February 3, 2004 beginning at 2:00 p.m. |
Approval of the Draft Minutes from the Committee meeting of January 22, 2004
A motion was made by Member Chang, seconded by Member Wan, to * |
Approve the Minutes. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Aye; 3 - Member Chang, Member Wan and Chair De La Fuente |
Determination of Schedule of Outstanding Committee Items
A motion was made by Member Chang, seconded by Member Wan, to * |
Approve as Submitted. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Aye; 3 - Member Chang, Member Wan and Chair De La Fuente |
Scheduling of Agenda Items and revisions to the agenda for the ORA/City Council meeting |
of February 3, 2004 |
The following individual spoke on this item and did not indicate a position: |
Confirmation of the scheduling of a Staff Rules meeting on Wednesday, February 11, 2004 at |
10:00 a.m. for the purpose of setting the Supplemental agenda for the February 17, 2004 City |
Council meeting, and setting the two week agendas for the February 24, 2004 Council |
Committee meetings (the February 12, 2004 Rules Committee meeting is cancelled due to |
City holiday) (04-0110) |
Subject: Mayor's Candidate for City Manager |
From: Councilmember Brunner |
Recommendation: Schedule a discussion and review of the Mayor's candidate for City |
Manager; as soon as possible on the Closed Session agenda (04-0104) |
Scheduled to Closed Session on 2/3/2004
Subject: Palm Villas Project |
From: Community and Economic Development Agency |
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing a grant in an amount not to exceed $1,100, |
000 to MacArthur Park Development Associates, LLC, to cover additional costs for the |
development of the final phase of Palm Villas Project on MacArthur Boulevard between 90th |
and 94th Avenues; on the February 24, 2004 Community and Economic Development agenda |
(04-0107) |
Scheduled to *Community & Economic Development Committee on 2/24/ |
2004 |
Subject: Rajappan & Meyer Consulting Engineers Inc |
From: Public Works Agency |
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a |
professional services agreement with Rajappan & Meyer Consulting Engineers Inc. for design |
services for the 12th Street Reconstruction Project for an amount not to exceed four million |
seven hundred thousand dollars ($4,700,000); on the February 24, 2004 Public Works |
Committee agenda (04-0102) |
Scheduled to *Public Works Committee on 2/24/2004
Subject: Civil Engineering Services |
From: Public Works Agency |
Recommendation: Adopt Resolutions authorizing six (6) professional agreements for as- |
needed civil engineering services with, DKS Associates, DMJM & Harris. Moffatt and Nichol |
Engineers, HQE, Inc., CH2M-Hill, and Rajappan & Meyer Consulting Engineers, for an |
amount not to exceed two hundred fifty-thousand dollars ($250,000) each; on the |
February 24, 2004 Public Works Committee Agenda (04-0103) |
Scheduled to *Public Works Committee on 2/24/2004
Subject: December 29, 2003 Storm |
From: Public Works Agency |
Recommendation: Receive an Informational report on the December 29, 2003 Storm Event; |
on the February 24, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda (04-0109) |
Scheduled to *Public Works Committee on 2/24/2004
Subject: City of Oakland's Sun Enterprise Server System |
From: Finance and Management Agency |
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Interim City Manager to: 1) solicit bids |
to obtain the lowest cost of borrowing to finance a five-year lease agreement; 2) negotiate and |
execute a five-year lease agreement with the selected lender to accomplish a technology |
refresh of the City of Oakland's Sun Microsystems, Inc., (SUN) Enterprise Server System, |
which includes SUN hardware, software, professional services, maintenance, and education |
for an amount not to exceed three million eight hundred seventy five thousand four hundred |
sixty two dollars ($3,875,462); 3) allocate funds and execute contracts with third party |
vendors for the purchase of software licenses, services and supplies, and communications |
equipment to support the technology refresh for an amount not to exceed three hundred thirty |
one thousand dollars ($331,000); and, 4) to set aside a contingency amount of eighty two |
thousand dollars ($82,000); for a total project amount of four million two hundred eighty |
eight thousand four hundred sixty two dollars ($4,288,462); on the February 24, 2004 Finance |
and Management Committee agenda (04-0106) |
Scheduled to *Finance & Management Committee on 2/24/2004
Subject: Oakland Police and Fire Department- Computer Aided Dispatch |
From: Finance and Management Agency |
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or her designee to |
execute an amendment to the agreement with Motorola, Inc. for modifications to the Oakland |
Police Department/Oakland Fire Department Computer Aided Dispatch System and related |
systems (04-0108) |
Scheduled to Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency / |
City Council on 2/3/2004 |
The Committee moved, seconded and carried a motion to approve the following |
urgency finding pursuant to the Sunshine Ordinance Section 2.20.070 E(2) |
regarding scheduling of this Item: |
(A)that there is a need to take immediate action to prevent serious injury to the |
public interest; and |
(B) that the need for such action came to the attention of the body after the |
posting of the 10-day agenda. |
Subject: Tree Removal Appeal - 300 Elysian Fields Drive - Public Hearing |
From: Office of Parks and Recreation |
Recommendation: A request to reschedule a continued Public Hearing and upon conclusion |
adopt a Resolution denying the appeal filed by Stephanie Y. Gandolfi against the decision of |
the Director of the Office of Parks and Recreation approving the issuance of tree removal |
permit number DR03-123 at 300 Elysian Fields Drive; District 7; from the February 17, 2004 |
to the March 16, 2004 City Council agenda (04-0036) |
*Rescheduled to Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment |
Agency/City Council on 3/16/2004 |
Subject: Adopt-A-School Program |
From: Office of the City Manager |
Recommendation: A Presentation by California State Assemblymember Wilma Chan |
regarding the Adopt-A-School Program; on the March 16, 2004 City Council agenda (04- |
0105) |
Scheduled to Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency / |
City Council on 3/16/2004 |
From the February 3, 2004 City Council Agenda
Subject: Jodi Remke - Housing, Residential Rent and Relocation Board |
From: Office of the Mayor |
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution appointing Jodi Remke as neutral representative, as a |
member of the Housing, Residential Rent and Relocation Board (04-0098) |
*Withdrawn with No New Date
A review of the Council Committees' actions from January 27, 2004 and determination of |
scheduling to the ORA/City Council meeting of February 3, 2004 or future dates |
A motion was made by Member Wan, seconded by Member Chang, to * |
Approve as Submitted. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Aye; 3 - Member Chang, Member Wan and Chair De La Fuente |
Please refer to Attachment A for the scheduling assignment of those items |
discussed at the Council Committee meetings of January 27, 2004. |
A review of the Agendas for the Council Committees for the meetings of February 10, 2004
A motion was made by Member Chang, seconded by Member Wan, to * |
Approve with the following amendments. The motion carried by the |
following vote: |
Aye; 3 - Member Chang, Member Wan and Chair De La Fuente |
The following individual spoke on this item and did not indicate a position: |
From the February 10, 2004 Finance and Management Committee Agenda
Subject: Lease of Network Equipment - Cisco Systems, Inc. |
From: Finance and Management Agency |
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or her designee to |
negotiate and execute a seven year contract for the lease of network equipment and services |
with Cisco Systems, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $360,000 annually or $2,520,000 |
over the term of the contract without return to Council (04-0028) |
*Withdrawn with No New Date
Subject: Lease of Telephone Equipment - Shoreline Communications |
From: Finance and Management Agency |
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or her designee to |
negotiate and execute a seven year contract for the lease of telephone equipment and services |
with Shoreline Communications, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $600,000 annually or $3, |
600,000 over the term of the contract without return to Council (04-0029) |
*Withdrawn with No New Date
Subject: Cable Installation and Repairs - Tucker Technologies, Inc. |
From: Finance and Management Agency |
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or her designee to |
negotiate and execute an agreement with Tucker Technologies, Inc., to provide miscellaneous |
cable (low voltage communications wiring) installation and repairs for a one year period not |
to exceed $400,000 per year without return to Council (04-0030) |
*Withdrawn with No New Date
The following individual spoke on this item and did not indicate a position: |
The following individual spoke during Open Forum: |
There being no further business, and upon the motion duly made, the Oakland |
City Council Rules and Legislation Committee adjourned the meeting at 11:46 |
a.m. |
Americans With Disabilities Act |
If you need special assistance to participate in Oakland City Council and Committee meetings |
please contact the Office of the City Clerk. When possible, please notify the City Clerk 48 |
hours prior to the meeting so we can make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. |
Also, in compliance with Oakland's policy for people with environmental illness or multiple |
chemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing strongly scented products to meetings. |
Recorded Agenda (510) 238-2386 |
Telecommunications Display Device: (510) 839-6451 (TDD) |
In the event a quorum of the City Council participates on this Committee, the meeting is |
noticed as a Special Meeting of the City Council; however, no final City Council action can |
be taken. |
City Clerk and Clerk of the Council