Meeting Name: * Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency and the City Council Agenda status: SUPPLEMENTAL
Meeting date/time: 7/2/2024 3:30 PM Minutes status: FINAL  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber, 3rd Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0580 15.1 Report and RecommendationApproval Of The Draft Minutes From The June 12, 2024 Special City Council Agenda And The June 18, 2024 Regular City Council AgendaAcceptedPass Action details Not available
24-0582 15.2 City ResolutionSubject: Declaration Of A Local Emergency Due To AIDS Epidemic From: Office Of The City Attorney Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Renewing And Continuing The City Council's Declaration Of A Local Emergency Due To The Existence Of A Critical Public Health Crisis With Regard To The Human Immunodeficiency Virus ("HIV")/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ("AIDS") EpidemicAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0583 15.3 City ResolutionSubject: Declaration Of Medical Cannabis Health Emergency From: Office Of The City Attorney Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Renewing The City Council's Declaration Of A Local Public Health Emergency With Respect To Safe, Affordable Access To Medical Cannabis In The City Of OaklandAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0584 15.4 City ResolutionSubject: Declaration Of A Local Emergency On Homelessness From: Councilmember Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Renewing And Continuing The City Council's Declaration Of A Local Emergency Due To The Existence Of The City’s Homelessness CrisisAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0567 15.5 City ResolutionSubject: Troy Allen Russell, Et Al. V. Kathleen Ann Zitani, Et Al. From: Office Of The City Attorney Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing And Directing The City Attorney To Compromise And Settle The Case Of Troy Allen Russell, Et Al. V. Kathleen Ann Zitani, Et Al., Alameda County Superior Court Case No. Rg18916045, City Attorney File No. 32626, In The Amount Of Six Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars And Zero Cents ($6,250,000.00). (Department Of Transportation - Dangerous Condition Of Public Property)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0483 15.6 OrdinanceSubject: Amendments To Oakland Municipal Code Sections 3.08.040 And 3.08.080 From: Office Of The City Clerk Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Oakland Municipal Code Sections: (1) 3.08.040 (Nomination Petitions) To Authorize The City Clerk To Extend Normal Office Hours On The Final Day Of The Nomination Period For An Election, To Explicitly Adopt The State Law Extension Of Time To File Nomination Petitions, And To Update The Language To Require Candidates To Return Nomination Materials In Person Consistent With Existing Practice; And (2) 3.08.080 (Qualifications Statement) To Add Requirement That Sponsors Are Registered Voters Consistent With Requirement For Nomination Petition SignaturesApproved for Final PassagePass Action details Not available
24-0311 15.7 OrdinanceSubject: License Agreement And Oakland Parks And Recreation Foundation Grants From: Parks, Recreation And Youth Development Department Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance (1) Authorizing A License Agreement With Oakland Parks And Recreation Foundation For Use Of Office Space At The Lakeside Park Garden Center Located At 666 Bellevue Avenue At The Below Market Rate Of $0.00 Through June 30, 2026 With A 3-Year Option To Renew; (2) Making Findings That The License For Below Fair Market Value Is In The Best Interest Of The City; And (3) Making Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) FindingsApproved for Final PassagePass Action details Not available
24-0572 15.8 OrdinanceSubject: Implementation Of Youth Voting From: Office Of The City Clerk, Council President Fotunato Bas, Councilmember Kaplan, And Councilmember Reid Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Adding Section 3.08.035 To The Oakland Municipal Code To Authorize Persons Aged 16 And 17, Who Are Otherwise Eligible To Vote Under State Law, To Vote For The Office Of School Board DirectorApproved On Introduction and Scheduled for Final PassagePass Action details Not available
24-0573 1  City Resolution2) A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To (1) Execute A Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) Between The County Of Alameda, City Of Berkeley, And Berkeley Unified School District To Conduct Youth Voting Elections, And (2) Amend The MOU And Take All Actions Necessary To Implement Youth VotingAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0611 15.9 City ResolutionSubject: Resolution In Support Of AB 3089 (JONES-SAWYER) From: Councilmember Reid Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution In Support Of AB 3089 (Jones-Sawyer, R.) Which Would Acknowledge California's Responsibility For Historical Injustices Related To Chattel SlaveryAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0609 15.10 City ResolutionSubject: Resolution In Support Of AB 2064 (JONES-SAWYER) From: Councilmember Reid Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution In Support Of AB 2064 (Jones-Sawyer, R.) Which Would Establish The Community Violence Interdiction Grant Program Under The California Health And Human Services Agency. It Aims To Fund Local Community Programs Addressing Violence In Neighborhoods And Schools. The Bill Directs Funding Towards Recreation And Health-Based Youth Interventions And The Creation Of School-Based Health CentersAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0606 15.11 City ResolutionSubject: Resolution In Support Of AB 1975 (BONTA, D.) From: Councilmember Reid Recommendation: Adopt Resolution In Support Of AB 1975 (Bonta, D.) Which Would Medically Supportive Food And Nutrition Interventions [TITLE CHANGE]AdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0596 15.12 City ResolutionSubject: Commemorative Street Renaming From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution To (1) Commemoratively Rename Mandela Parkway Between 7th Street And West Grand Avenue As ‘Arthur B. Shanks II Way’ And (2) Authorize The Installation Of Plaques Honoring Arthur B. Shanks II, Pursuant To The Policy And Criteria Established By Resolution No. 77967 C.M.S.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0307 25.13 City ResolutionSubject: Major Encroachment Permit At 1880 Mountain Boulevard From: Department Of Transportation Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Granting A Conditional And Revocable Major Encroachment Permit To Property Owner, First Church Of Christ Scientist, To Allow Portions Of An American With Disabilities Act Compliant Access Ramp To Encroach Into The Public Right Of Way Fronting The Property At 1880 Mountain Boulevard, Major Encroachment Permit ENMJ24052, And Adopting Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act FindingsAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0612 15.14 City ResolutionSubject: Certifying Results Of Initiative Petition To Fund Public Safety Services From: Office Of The City Clerk Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Accepting The Certification Of The Results Of The Examination Of The Initiative Petition Proposing An Ordinance To Extend And Increase A Parcel Tax And Parking Tax Surcharge To Fund Police, Fire, And Violence Prevention Services; (2) Submitting The Proposed Ordinance To The Qualified Electors At The November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election; And (3) Authorizing The City Clerk To Take All Actions Necessary Under Law To Submit This Initiative To The VotersAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0613 15.15 City ResolutionSubject: Certifying Results Of The Petition To Recall Oakland Mayor Thao From: Office Of The City Clerk Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Accepting The Certification Of The Results Of The Examination Of The Petition To Recall Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao; (2) Calling The Recall Election On November 5, 2024; And (3) Authorizing The City Clerk To Take All Actions Necessary Under Law To Submit This Election To The VotersAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0615 15.16 City ResolutionSubject: Darwin Bondgraham And Ali Winston V. City Of Oakland, Oakland Police Department And Susan Manheimer From: Office Of The City Attorney Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing And Directing The City Attorney To Compromise And Settle Additional Costs And Attorneys’ Fees In The Case Of Darwin Bondgraham And Ali Winston V. City Of Oakland, Oakland Police Department And Susan Manheimer, Alameda County Superior Court Case No. Rg20071657, City Attorney’s File No. X05171, In The Amount Of One Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand Dollars And Zero Cents ($199,000.00) (Police Department - Public Records Act)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0503 1S5.17 OrdinanceSubject: Salary Ordinance Amendment For Various Classifications Including Elected Officials From: Human Resources Management Department Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending The Salary Schedule Of Ordinance No. 12187 C.M.S. (“Salary Ordinance”) To: (A) Add The Full-Time Equivalent Classification Of Pool Manager; And (B) Amend The Title Of The Full-Time, Permanent Part-Time, And Part-Time Classifications Of Senior Services Program Assistant To Senior Services Program Analyst; And (C) Amend The Title And Salary Of The Full-Time Classification Of Planning Investigator Supervisor To Planning Inspector, Supervising; And (D) Amend The Salary For Council Member, City Attorney, And City Auditor In Accordance With The Oakland Public Ethics Commission’s Charter-Mandated Salary AdjustmentsApproved On Introduction and Scheduled for Final PassagePass Action details Not available
24-0533 2S5.18 City ResolutionSubject: Avenu Insights And Analytics From: Office Of The City Administrator Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Waiving The Competitive Request For Proposal/Qualification Requirements And The Local/Small Local Business Enterprise Requirements And Awarding A Three-Year Professional Services Agreement To Avenu Insight & Analytics, LLC In An Amount Not To Exceed $540,000 For Tax Collection Services Through June 30, 2027; And Authorizing The City Administrator To Extend The Agreement For An Additional Two Years For A Total Contract Amount Over The Five-Year Term Of $900,000AdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0518 1S5.19 City ResolutionSubject: Agreement With MTC For Pavement Management Assistance From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To: (1) Apply For And Accept $80,000.00 In Pavement Management Technical Assistance Program (P-TAP) Grant Funds From The Metropolitan Transportation Commission; (2) Allocate $150,000.00 In Matching Funds And For Additional Professional Services; And (3) Execute An Agreement With The Metropolitan Transportation Commission To Provide Additional Professional Services To Implement The Project In An Amount Not-To-Exceed $230,000.00; And (4) Waive The Request For Proposal/Qualifications Competitive Selection Requirement As The Contract Was Awarded Through A Competitive Selection Process Led By Another Public AgencyAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0575 1S5.20 City ResolutionSubject: Community Traffic Safety Pilot Program From: Councilmember Fife And Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator Or Designee, In Collaboration With Impacted Stakeholders, To: (1) Work With Council Offices And Residents To Select Demonstration Projects In East And West Oakland To Respond To Community-Identified Traffic Safety Concerns On The High Injury Network, In High Equity Priority Neighborhoods, Or That Improve Conditions For Vulnerable Populations Including Children, Seniors, And People With Disabilities And Authorizing The Expenditure Of Any Remaining Discretionary Funds From Fiscal Year 2023 - 2025 Adopted Budget To Support The Implementation Of Community Identified And City Council Member Approved Traffic Safety Projects; And (2) Upon Successful Completion Of The Demonstration Projects, Publish A Framwork For Standard Plans, For A Community-Led Traffic Safety Program, Allowing Businesses, Schools, And Community Groups To Apply For Permits To Install Temporary Traffic Safety Demonstration Projects Within The HigAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0500 1S5.22 City ResolutionSubject: The Gardens At Lake Merritt Japanese Garden Repaving Gift From: Parks, Recreation And Youth Development Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Accepting A Gift Of In-Kind Services From The Friends Of The Gardens At Lake Merritt (FGLM) Through Fiscal Sponsor Oakland-East Bay Garden Center, Inc. To Repave The Japanese Garden At Lake Merritt Valued In An Amount Not To Exceed Ninety-Six Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($96,100) And (2) Authorizing The City Administrator To Execute A Contract In The Amount Of One Dollar ($1.00) With The Oakland-East Bay Garden Center, Inc. As The Fiscal Sponsor For FGLM And Wolfe, Inc., The Construction Vendor Selected To Perform The Services, To Authorize The Work On City PropertyAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0499 1S5.23 City ResolutionSubject: DVP Grant From ACPD From: Department Of Violence And Prevention Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution: (1) Accepting And Appropriating A Grant From The Alameda County Probation Department In An Amount Not To Exceed One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) For The Period Of July 1, 2024, To June 30, 2027; And (2) Authorizing The City Administrator To Take All Steps Necessary For The City To Receive The Grant; And (3) Adding One (1) Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Case Manager Position I Position In The Department Of Violence Prevention For The Period Of October 1, 2024, To June 30, 2027, In An Amount Not To Exceed Four Hundred Fifty-Two Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ($452,468) And Allocating Grant Funds For This Purpose; And (4) Amending Resolution No. 90061 C.M.S. To Reduce General Purpose Fund Allocations And Allocating Grant Funds In An Amount Not To Exceed Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000) To Support Grants With Nonprofit Organizations That Will Host Summer 2024 Town Nights EventsAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0519 1S5.21 OrdinanceSubject: Film Rebate Program From: Economic And Workforce Development Department And Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending The Oakland Municipal Code By Establishing A Film Rebate Program To Reimburse A Percentage Of Film Permitees’ Expenses In The City Of Oakland Provided Funding Is Available For This Purpose; And Making California Environmental Quality Act FindingsApproved As Amended On Introduction and Scheduled for Final PassagePass Action details Not available
24-0333 16.1 Report and RecommendationSubject: Appeal Of Environmental Determination For PLN22189, Childcare Center At 5315 College Avenue. From: Planning And Building Department Recommendation: Conduct A Public Hearing For Appeal No. PLN22189-A01-A01, Challenging The Planning Commission’s California Environmental Quality Act Exemption For An Addition And Alteration To An Existing Commercial Structure For Childcare Activities, And Upon Conclusion, Act Upon The Appeal And Direct The City Administrator To Prepare A Resolution For City Council Adoption Memorializing The Council’s Supportive Findings And Final Action On The AppealContinuedPass Action details Not available
24-0471 16.2 OrdinanceSubject: SB 684 And Miscellaneous Planning Code (Title 17) And Subdivision Code (Title 16) Amendments From: Planning And Building Department Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance: (1) Amending The Oakland Planning Code (Title 17) Of The Oakland Municipal Code (OMC), As Recommended By The City Planning Commission, To: (A) Amend The Development Standard Requirements For Residential And Commercial Zones To Allow For No Side Yard Setback Between Lots Under The Same Ownership And For Applicable Exceptions To Lot Development Standards Required By State Law, Senate Bill (SB) 684; (B) Amend OMC Chapter 17.106 To Allow For Applicable Exceptions To The Standard Lot Development Standard Requirements For Subdivisions That Meet The Requirements Of State Law SB 684; And (C) Amend Miscellaneous Code Changes Including The Definition Of Essential Service Civic Activities In OMC Section 17.10.140 To Allow For More Temporary Activities Than The Current Seasonal Retail Sales On City Owned Land And Amend OMC Chapter 17.11 To Allow Fences And General Lighting In Certain Types Of Parks By Right; And (2) Approved On Introduction and Scheduled for Final PassagePass Action details Not available
24-0604 1S6.4 City ResolutionSubject: Oakland Tourism Business Improvement District Modification From: Economic And Workforce Development Department Recommendation Conduct A Public Hearing And Upon Conclusion,Adopt A Resolution (1) Declaring Results Of A Majority Protest Proceeding For The Proposed Modification Of The Oakland Tourism Business Improvement District 2018; (2) Approving The Modification Of The Oakland Tourism Business Improvement District 2018; (3) Adopting And Approving The Proposed Modified Oakland Tourism Business Improvement District 2018 Management PlanAdoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0535 18 OrdinanceSubject: Brooklyn Basin CFD No. 2023-1 (Series 2024) Bond Ordinance From: Finance Department Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Providing For The Borrowing Of Funds And The Issuance And Sale Of Special Tax Bonds In A Principal Amount Not To Exceed $6,000,000 For And On Behalf Of City Of Oakland Community Facilities District No. 2023-1 (Brooklyn Basin Facilities And Services); Approving Certain Related Matters; And Adopting Appropriate Findings Under The California Environmental Quality ActApproved On Introduction and Scheduled for Final PassagePass Action details Not available
24-0614 19 OrdinanceSubject: Ordinance To Hold A November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election From: Office Of The City Clerk Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance (1) Calling And Giving Notice For The Holding Of A General Municipal Election On November 5, 2024 For The Purpose Of Submitting To The Electors Of The City Of Oakland Proposed Ballot Measures And A Proposed Recall Election; (2) Requesting Consolidation Of The City Of Oakland General Municipal Election With The Statewide Election To Be Held In The City Of Oakland On November 5, 2024; And (3) Authorizing The City Clerk To Take All Actions Necessary To Hold The Municipal ElectionApproved On Introduction and Scheduled for Final PassagePass Action details Not available